A man called 八丈宏 (30) entered prison C that Yakushima was confined in prison.

Penal servitude six months. With net cafe refugees, I seem to have been arrested for theft.

Hachijo made friends with Oki Hiroto (57) of the condemned criminal there.

However, for Yaku, I picked a fight so as to be abnormal. I hit the quarrel.

Tanegashima (27) of the correction officer sat on doubt in identity of Hachijo. I had the police examine it some other time.

At such time, father of Yaku died of a traffic accident. It is hit-and-run. Mother was attacked for the return middle by robbery and suffered a serious wound.

Yaku cannot attend at a funeral of father. I cannot go for a visit of mother. I regretted oneself who was behind bars.

The investigation of the police advanced. One 3,000,000 yen in total were transferred to both Sado and Miyake by an account of Hachijo.