Me: Can I tell you what happened last Saturday night?
Marc: yes, please tell me
Me: Thank you. An alumni, 4 years younger than I, told me, "I want to make love to you tonight." I declined it. And another alumni, he is 9 years younger than I, told me the same thing. And another, also 9 years younger, grabbed my breasts with his both hands behind me.
Marc: wow!! What did you say to him?
Me: Saying "your breasts are so big!" And he kissed me on the lips. I couldn't say anything. One of my alumnae told me it was a happy happening, so don't you worry. Is it?
Marc: I dont know what a 'happy happening' is. Were you angry then he grabbed your breasts and kissed you?
Me: I was not angry, not happy, either. Am I too displaying in that dress?
Marc: No, he just wanted to touch your breasts, nothing to do with the dress, the dress was fine. I would never just grab your breasts, I would say :Maggie, it is okay if I gently touch your breasts?'. He should have asked you first I think.
Me: If he asked, I would never say yes. He's just my alumni.
Marc: Of course. Gives you the chance to say no
Me: I see. You're right. He stroked my hair and said, "you're gorgeous." Sigh...Everyone heard it there.
Marc: hmmmmmm. Two things.
Me: And another one hugged me tight when we said good-bye.
Marc: Okay, first, yes you are sexy and men think so (I do, too) but they didnt express it very well, very rude way to express it to you. just grabbing you is not good. The other guys told you they wanted to make love to you and that is harmless, grabbing you is not
Me: Men of low breeding, right?
Marc: yes
Me: I might ignore them when we meet next.
Marc: maybe a good idea. Okay, I have to go to sleep now, I have work very early....lets chat more tomorrow night 🙂 byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee